Having Trouble Making Money? You Might Have A Nasty Case of MCN.
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2004-12-09 19:39:15 UTC
Home Business > Marketing :: Having Trouble Making Money? You Might Have A
Nasty Case of MCN.

Having Trouble Making Money? You Might Have A Nasty Case of MCN.
by: Isaiah Hull

Do you spend the majority of your time trying to convince your prospects
that they absolutely must buy your product? Are you experiencing low
conversion rates and high negative-response rates? Are you starting to feel
like internet marketing success really is just a myth? Do you think everyone
is lying to you?

These are all symptoms of MCN, marketing in a crowded niche. If you're
dealing with them on a regular basis, chances are there are just plain too
many people selling a similiar product to your same targeted customer base.

But don't worry--this isn't necessarily a bad thing. In fact, realizing this
information may be the best thing that ever happens to your business.

But now that you do know you are marketing in an overcrowded niche, you must
choose a specific path for your business if you want to acheive profit.

You must decide if you want to a) prepare for a long fight to the top (of
your niche); b) market your same product to a different group of buyers; or
c) abandon your product, find a profitable niche, and then build a new
business around it.

Of course, there are pros and cons to each decision, but as long as you
recognize the need to make a decision--and then create a clear, honest
business plan to make money with that choice--you wont run into trouble.

Let's start with option A:


If your niche is so crowded that you haven't broken into profit after
several of months of marketing, this does not mean that your niche is
unprofitable--it means the exact opposite: your niche is so unbelievably
in-demand and profitable that everyone is trying to build around it.

You may not be making money with this route now, but if you stick with it
and continually make progress, then you are almost guaranteed to make an
enormous amount of money when your business reaches critical mass--when your
website has a lot of backlinks from high-traffic sites; when your webpage is
ranked highly in search engines for your specific niche keywords; when other
marketers in your niche begin to seek you out for interviews and for joint
ventures; and when you begin making your own products to fill the gaps in
your niche. . .

'Preparing for a long fight to the top' also means not relying on your main
business as a cashcow--as your source of income--for the time being. This is
always a huge mistake.

Maybe you can write google adwords for affiliate programs to make extra cash
while you wait for your business to take off; OR maybe you can budget your
main business to save money; OR maybe you can pick up a part-time or
full-time job to ensure you have enough money in the bank to live off of
while you build your business.

There are a number of viable options, but whatever you choose, you must
remember that your business absolutely will not earn you a full-time income
until you become a big-player in your niche. You must recognize this and
structure your business plan around it; otherwise, you are setting yourself
up for failure.

If this is not a good option for you, then you must consider option B:


When you think of your website, you may only be able to think of a couple
words to describe it--the keywords you have been telling yourself you must
use to make money, to get rankings, to make sales.

If these keywords are not working for you--if you either have a low
conversion rate or poor rankings on search engines--then you must consider
marketing to a different group of buyers. You can sell the same product to
an entirely different group and radically change your conversion rate and
profit margin.

You can begin by finding new keywords to better target potential customers.
Pay-per-click search engine advertising is one of the best ways to do this.
You can use overture's and google's tools to create a bigger, more specific
set of keywords and then find out which keywords reach a respectable market
and which ones draw a high conversion rate. Mix and match until you have the
best possible set.

Use ad tracking as much as possible to scientifically determine which ads
are doing the best. Once you have the best set, optimize your website for
those keywords. Figure out what people are thinking when they type in those
exact words--what solution they are looking for and for what problem--and
then find those people elsewhere and market to them in different ways.

And if this option wont work for you, then you must resort to something
entirely different--option c:


Sometimes you just run out of options and have to switch products. I
personally would never suggest taking this route unless it comes down to
either a) quitting marketing altogether or b) giving up on your current

If it comes down to this, just switch your products and find another one
that you wont have to fight so hard to sell.

This time, when you select your product, make sure you lazer-target a niche
that will undoubtably be more profitable and easier to break into. Again,
you can use PPCs and adwords to find which niches are overcrowded and which
niches desparately need sellers.

You want to pick a specific product to market to a specific crowd with
specific keywords that will provide a specific solution for a specific

Be specific.

When you find this specific niche, build your business around it. Profit
will flow in naturally.

Copyright 2004 Isaiah Hull

PERMISSIONS TO REPUBLISH: This article may be republished in its entirety
free of charge, electronically or in print, provided it appears with the
included copyright and author's resource box with live website link.

Courtesy of http://hombyz.com

About The Author

Isaiah Hull is a business tips writer, a widely-published author, the
publisher of two ebusiness training courses, the CEO of two web-based
busineses, and the PTL of multiple affiliate programs. Hull teaches others
to make an income with step-by-step profit systems. Some can be found at his
site: http://www.workathomerightnow.net.
Bob Niland
2004-12-09 20:11:35 UTC
Having Trouble Making Money?
Perhaps you just need a spell-checker.
... acheive ... lazer ... undoubtably ... desparately ..
achieve laser undoubtedly desperately
Isaiah Hull is a business tips writer ...
And apparently has to give this stuff away in netnews
because no one will pay him enough to hire a proof-reader.

Normally, nit-picking spelling on usenet is bad form,
but when the topic is thinly-disguised spam for
literary products, with no obvious connection to the
newsgroup at hand, it's open season.
Regards, Bob Niland mailto:***@ispname.tld
http://www.access-one.com/rjn email4rjn AT yahoo DOT com
NOT speaking for any employer, client or Internet Service Provider.
Don Lancaster
2004-12-09 20:40:01 UTC
Isaiah Hull is a business tips writer, a widely-published author, the
publisher of two ebusiness training courses, the CEO of two web-based
busineses, and the PTL of multiple affiliate programs. Hull teaches others
to make an income with step-by-step profit systems.
My deepest condolences.
Many thanks,

Don Lancaster
Synergetics 3860 West First Street Box 809 Thatcher, AZ 85552
voice: (928)428-4073 email: ***@tinaja.com

Please visit my GURU's LAIR web site at http://www.tinaja.com
2004-12-12 03:08:20 UTC
Post by Don Lancaster
Isaiah Hull is a business tips writer, a widely-published author, the
publisher of two ebusiness training courses, the CEO of two web-based
busineses, and the PTL of multiple affiliate programs. Hull teaches others
to make an income with step-by-step profit systems.
My deepest condolences.

2004-12-11 18:16:21 UTC
Home Business > Marketing
Another ripoff by the morphing spammer.