Getting Unlimited Traffic From Search Engines
(too old to reply)
Alhim Tdzedek
2005-01-06 18:16:08 UTC
Getting Unlimited Traffic From Search Engines
by: Kusuma Widjaja

Search engines have become so intimidating lately - most people think that
search engines are just out to get them - everyone's becoming afraid... They
also think that getting #1 rankings is near impossible.

Yes, if you're trying to trick search engines, THEN - they're out to get
you - BIG TIME.

BUT, if you're willing to work with them and help them, then they can
seriously be your business's best friend.

Here's how:

Writing Articles for Search Engines

Actually, you're writing articles for TWO people.

1.. Search Engines
2.. Your Potential Customers
. Why for Search Engines?

Because search engines love content, and it's that very content that let's
you invite traffic from search engines.

These articles help you optimize your website for search engine rankings
(more on this in a bit).

. Why for Potential Customers?

Because these articles are what your prospects are looking for on search
engines - they land on that page, find the information they need and then
see your "recommendation" - aka affiliate link and they click, click BUY.

So, your articles eventually lead to sales and commission for you.

So once again, the purpose of articles:

a.. Provide content/information for:
b.. Search Engines
c.. Potential customers
d.. Promoting traffic to your affiliate program
Optimizing your Articles with Keywords

We don't want to make your head spin here, so we'll try to keep this AS
simple as possible.

There are certain places you want to insert your keywords when building an
article webpage.

Here they are:

a.. The title of the page
b.. The Description META Tag
c.. The Keyword META Tag
d.. In your Headline, use HTML Tag
e.. Your first line of text
f.. Once or twice per paragraph
g.. Once/Twice in bold . In the text of a link
Some other tips:

. In your graphics - use keyword in HTML ALT tag . Use a secondary keyword
also - a few times

Some Cautions:

a.. Don't Overkill - repeating your keyword an obsense number of times
will not help you at all - it will hurt you.
b.. Never hide keywords - never.
c.. Nothing tricky - if it's tricky, don't do it.
d.. Don't have a LONG keyword META tag
The above is how most search engines determine how relevant your webpage is
to a specific keyword.

This is NOT the only element involved in search engine optimization,
however, it's one the most important. The next strategy we're going to
discuss is also critical - for Google, especially.


You can learn a lot more about How to Dominate Search Engines and also get
Step by Step Instructions to turn that traffic into $300.00, $600.00 or
$900.00/month in residual income at


A Linking Strategy

Alright, now, we're going to discuss the one, quite possibly most important
element to ranking well in Google - the # of incoming links.

Google has been giving more and more importance to what they call their
"PR" - short for Page Rank. The PR is based on a scale of 1-10 and the
higher it is, the more incoming links you have.

The PR is determined by the number of INCOMING and OUTGOING links you have.
You should have the maximum number of incoming links.

See, Google's theory is that by having a site link to you, that website is
basically "voting" for you - that site is telling Google

"Hey, I like that website, it has good content, I feel comfortable sending
MY visitors there, so should you..."

The more sites that tell Google that, the more willing Google is to send
it's traffic.

So, bottom line, recruit incoming links.

----- How?-----

How did we know you're going to ask that million dollar question?

Our answer is not that "great" -

"Just ask..."

Contact websites in your niche and ask them for a link exchange.

How to find these websites?

a.. Check the sites linking to your competition on Alexa.com
b.. Do a search on Google.com for your keyword and contact all the
relevant websites.
Send them an e-mail, call them, etc...and let them know what's in it for
them - a reciprocal link to help THEM with search engine optimization as

NOTE: A linking strategy is VERY important if you want any chance at making
it to the Top 10 page on Google and then staying there...


Finally!Discover Amazing Ways to Dominate The Search Engines...in Less Than
3 Hours With the New System that Guarantee FRE*E Traffic for You! Brought to
you by Anik Singal http://www.whycity.net/dse.html

PERMISSIONS TO REPUBLISH: This article may be republished in its entirety
free of charge, electronically or in print, provided it appears with the
included copyright and author's resource box with live website link.

Courtesy of http://hombyz.com

About The Author

Kusuma Widjaja is President of Yahoo Cyber Technology, CV., based in
Surabaya. He has over 2 years experience in Internet Marketing Arena, Custom
Web Site Design and Graphic Design Services. For more information go to
http://www.whycity.net or you can reach us at +62-8315-838474.


http://hombyz.com For Your Home Business Success
2005-01-17 00:29:39 UTC
Post by Alhim Tdzedek
Getting Unlimited Traffic From Search Engines
by: Kusuma Widjaja
The Dirty Dozen
The FTC has identified its "Dirty Dozen". These are the twelve scams most likely to arrive via bulk e-mail or in newsgroups. Here are the "dirty dozen" and a brief explanation of why each is a scam:

Business Opportunities Scams:
These offers make it sound like it is very easy to start a business that will earn piles of money without much work, selling or cash. Many of these "opportunities" are actually illegal pyramid schemes or frauds that are masquerading as legitimate opportunities to earn money.

Make Money by Sending Bulk E-mail:
These solicitations offer to sell you bulk e mail lists (consisting of millions of e mail addresses), spam software (usually very poor in quality), or services to send spam on your behalf. Don't do this.

Chain Letters:
No list of scams would be complete without this old "favorite" - e mail style. Here you're asked to send a small amount of money (or some item) to each of four or five names at the top of the list, and then forward the message including your name at the bottom, via bulk e mail. Many of these letters claim they are legal - they are not. Further, nearly everyone who participates in these chain letters loses money. Even if there is a "product" such as a report on how to make money, it does not make these schemes legal.

The most common work-at-home scam promises that you'll earn money for stuffing envelopes. For example, you're promised you'll earn $2.00 for every envelope you stuff. In fact, there never is any real envelope stuffing employment available. Instead, you pay to register and then you're instructed to send the same envelope-stuffing ad via bulk e mail to others. The only money you can earn would come from others who fall for the scam and pay to register. Finally, if you did actually do work for one of these outfits (for example, some promise to pay you for craft work), they'd refuse to pay you and say your work didn't measure up to their "quality standards."

Health And Diet Scams:
These are similar to the miracle cures offered off-line: ways to lose weight without eating less or exercising, "scientific breakthroughs," "secret formulas" which provide cures for hair loss, and herbal formulas that liquefy fat cells so that they are absorbed by your body. These scams often include testimonials from "famous" medical experts you haven't heard of. Of course, these gimmicks don't work.

Effortless Income:
The newest version offers get-rich-quick schemes to make unlimited profits exchanging money on the world currency markets. There are lots of variants, but they all promise vast riches with no work. Beware of these scams.

Free Goods:
These offers promise expensive items such as computers... for free. They ask you to pay a fee to join, and then you have to bring in a certain number of other members. Many of these scams are just disguised pyramid schemes.

Investment Opportunities:
These scams promise outrageously high returns...and of course, there is "no risk." Many of these scams are illegal Ponzi schemes, in which early investors are paid with the money from later investors. This gives the early investors the illusion that the system works and they are then encouraged to invest more money (which they eventually lose). The sales pitches for these offers include claims of high-level financial connections, that the promoters are privy to inside information, or promises that they'll guarantee the investment. The promoters are long gone if you try to take advantage of their "guarantees."

Cable De-Scrambler Kits:
These scams offer kits or information on how to receive cable transmissions without paying any subscription fees. There are two problems with these offers: 1) the kits and information don't work; and 2) even if they did work, it is illegal to steal service from cable television companies. Further, many cable companies have aggressively been prosecuting cable service theft.

Guaranteed Loans or Credit, or Easy Terms Scams:
There are lots of variants of this scam: home equity loans that don't require any equity in your home, loans regardless of your credit history, offshore bank loans, credit cards regardless of your credit history, etc. Sometimes these offers are combined with pyramid schemes that offer to pay you for attracting other participants to the scheme. However, they are scams - the loans don't come through, you are turned down unless you meet stringent requirements, or the credit cards simply don't arrive.

Credit Repair Scams:
These scams promise to erase accurate negative information from your credit file so that you can now qualify for loans, mortgages, or credit cards. The promoters of these scams cannot deliver. Further, if you follow their advice and lie on a loan or credit application, misrepresent your Social Security number, or get an Employer Identification number from the Internal Revenue Service under false pretenses, you will be committing fraud and violating federal laws. Don't fall for this scam.

Vacation Prize Promotions:
Last, but not least, is a scam in which you receive electronic verification congratulating you because you've "won" a fabulous vacation, or you've been "specially selected" for this opportunity. The "deluxe cruise ship" may well be more like a tugboat, upgrades can be very expensive, and hotel accommodations are likely to be very shabby.

The punch line... which you've heard from us many times before... If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Further, don't buy anything via bulk e-mail (spam). Your chances of being scammed are astronomical.