HomByz.com for home business
2004-10-14 18:23:38 UTC
Think of Wealth and Become Wealthy
by: Michel Richer
from: http://ww.hombyz.com
Our thought are magnetic ! Like a magnet we attract circumstances and
opportunities. We litterally attract the life we want with our powerful
magnetic thought !
You might say :" But Michel i have been thinking about wealth all my life
and the only thing i got is 5 cents in the banks !"
Do you think about wealth or the lack of wealth ? This is different my
friend. When you think about not having enough money what do you attract ?
Not enough money of course !
This is a spiritual law ! It's the law of attraction or sameness or harmony.
You cannot have, what you don't think you can have. Like attracts like. Like
criminals with criminals and saints with saints.
We join a group because they share the same ideas as ours (the law of
sameness). We won't join people who doesn't thing the same as us ! Like
attracts like - you get the point ! I'm sure you do now.
We have to replace our old thinking if we want to succeed. Think about
success and wealth and not: " Not enough money " or " I cannot succeed " .
Replace this with : " I will succeed litlle by little, day by day ".
Our action follows our thinking. If we don't believe we can start a business
we won't start a business. Period.
But if we believe we can start a business here is what happen : First our
thought will attract information on how to start a business. So we first
learn how to start and grow a business.
After that we start taking action like maybe getting a loan, finding a
location (if we have a physical business). After that finding good employee,
good marketing, good products etc.
We do what we think. Everything we do comes from our thought. Our thought
form our belief. We have to believe to succeed. We act from our belief.
It's not diificult to believe in wealth ! Look at all the people who succeed
and have succeeded. There are not different from you. There are flesh and
bones and not some space alien !
To become wealthy you have to think like them. Learn from them. If they have
done it. You can do it too.
You don't need to have come from a rich family or to be a crook to be
wealthy. The crook will one day get caught.
The simple formula to succeed is this. The ultimate truth of all ages and
all the universe is : THOUGHT.
Taught your way to success.
Think and act. Act and think. Use your crative thought to create wealth or
anything you like in your life. What you like you attract easily. Remember
like atract like.
Copyright © Michel Richer
PERMISSIONS TO REPUBLISH: This article may be republished in its entirety
free of charge, electronically or in print, provided it appears with the
included copyright and author's resource box with live website link. Link to
: http://www.hombyz.com
About The Author
Michel Richer is the Business Manager and Webmaster of
http://www.hombyz.com. He is dedicated to helping you succeed on the
Internet. With over 10 years experience in internet business and a solid
reputation in the industry. You can take a look at his website at:
http://www.hombyz.com for Your Home Business Success !!!
by: Michel Richer
from: http://ww.hombyz.com
Our thought are magnetic ! Like a magnet we attract circumstances and
opportunities. We litterally attract the life we want with our powerful
magnetic thought !
You might say :" But Michel i have been thinking about wealth all my life
and the only thing i got is 5 cents in the banks !"
Do you think about wealth or the lack of wealth ? This is different my
friend. When you think about not having enough money what do you attract ?
Not enough money of course !
This is a spiritual law ! It's the law of attraction or sameness or harmony.
You cannot have, what you don't think you can have. Like attracts like. Like
criminals with criminals and saints with saints.
We join a group because they share the same ideas as ours (the law of
sameness). We won't join people who doesn't thing the same as us ! Like
attracts like - you get the point ! I'm sure you do now.
We have to replace our old thinking if we want to succeed. Think about
success and wealth and not: " Not enough money " or " I cannot succeed " .
Replace this with : " I will succeed litlle by little, day by day ".
Our action follows our thinking. If we don't believe we can start a business
we won't start a business. Period.
But if we believe we can start a business here is what happen : First our
thought will attract information on how to start a business. So we first
learn how to start and grow a business.
After that we start taking action like maybe getting a loan, finding a
location (if we have a physical business). After that finding good employee,
good marketing, good products etc.
We do what we think. Everything we do comes from our thought. Our thought
form our belief. We have to believe to succeed. We act from our belief.
It's not diificult to believe in wealth ! Look at all the people who succeed
and have succeeded. There are not different from you. There are flesh and
bones and not some space alien !
To become wealthy you have to think like them. Learn from them. If they have
done it. You can do it too.
You don't need to have come from a rich family or to be a crook to be
wealthy. The crook will one day get caught.
The simple formula to succeed is this. The ultimate truth of all ages and
all the universe is : THOUGHT.
Taught your way to success.
Think and act. Act and think. Use your crative thought to create wealth or
anything you like in your life. What you like you attract easily. Remember
like atract like.
Copyright © Michel Richer
PERMISSIONS TO REPUBLISH: This article may be republished in its entirety
free of charge, electronically or in print, provided it appears with the
included copyright and author's resource box with live website link. Link to
: http://www.hombyz.com
About The Author
Michel Richer is the Business Manager and Webmaster of
http://www.hombyz.com. He is dedicated to helping you succeed on the
Internet. With over 10 years experience in internet business and a solid
reputation in the industry. You can take a look at his website at:
http://www.hombyz.com for Your Home Business Success !!!