Bill Stevenson
2004-12-24 16:14:26 UTC
Home Business :: Intangible Benefits Can Add Up for Those Who Work from Home
Intangible Benefits Can Add Up for Those Who Work from Home
by: Mal Keenan
Working from home offers benefits that just aren't available to anyone else.
Whether monetary or lifestyle, these benefits can far outweigh those found
at a job as an employee.
Whether you work at home already, are thinking about it, or your life
circumstances now make working from home either necessary or possible, be
sure to think these benefits through as you evaluate your options.
It isn't always the financial benefits that are a primary motivator. Quick
financial rewards can and do occur, but many people are willing to take a
reduction in immediate financial rewards in order to enjoy the intangible,
but very real and powerful, benefits they will find working from home.
One of the most powerful draws to working at home is the sense of time
freedom you can gain by being able to make your own schedule. You can freely
set appointments, do your shopping, and run other errands to your own
schedule, rather than trying to fit everything in to a lunch hour or on the
way home from work when everyone else is doing the same thing.
You are able to attend your child's school plays, teacher conferences, and
other important events without feeling guilty for being away from work. You
are able to schedule leisurely lunches, stop to watch your favorite
afternoon talk show, or spend some time with friends visiting from out of
You may need to start work earlier or work later in order to do these
things - but the point is that those are all options when working for
With time freedom also comes perhaps the biggest and most important
long-term benefit of all - more opportunity to stay connected with family,
friends, and community. Staying at home with a newborn or sick child, taking
a special day with your significant other, volunteering at a church or civic
organization, pursuing your own hobbies and interests - all can contribute
to both your own emotional health and that of your loved ones.
In addition to time freedom, another big benefit of working at home is
relief from stress. Of course, any business will likely bring its own form
of stress, and working for yourself in any business is no different.
But there are certain stressful situations that can be avoided by working at
home. And the less stressed you are, the more energy and enthusiasm you
have, energy that can be spent on your family or business!
The daily commute can literally be a few feet to an office or other work
area. There's no rush to get up, get dressed, gulp down breakfast, and fight
through crowded rush hour streets.
There's no commute home at the end of the day either, and that time and
energy can be put to use working on your business, doing something for
yourself, or being with your family.
Not only can you work according to your own schedule, but you can work at a
pace that feels comfortable for you as well. When you schedule projects
either for yourself or your customers, you can realistically set an
appropriate time line that works for you.
Many office and other jobs are driven by constant, never-ending, rushed,
multi-tasking deadlines. Sometimes bosses can be overbearing because they
themselves are driven by pressure from above to complete projects quickly,
or by their own internal pressure so they will be recognized for potential
advancement. Things can be much more relaxed at home, if you plan
Even tasks as simple as being able to grocery shop when the stores are less
crowded, stand in much shorter lines at the vehicle registration department,
or set a doctor's appointment sooner because of a more flexible schedule can
all relieve life's stresses just a little bit.
Collectively, then can make a big difference in an average day for anyone
working from home.
Copyright 2004 Mal Keenan
PERMISSIONS TO REPUBLISH: This article may be republished in its entirety
free of charge, electronically or in print, provided it appears with the
included copyright and author's resource box with live website link.
Courtesy of
About The Author
Mal Keenan is editor and publisher of Home Business Tips Newsletter:
For an affordable home business you CAN believe in click below:
Intangible Benefits Can Add Up for Those Who Work from Home
by: Mal Keenan
Working from home offers benefits that just aren't available to anyone else.
Whether monetary or lifestyle, these benefits can far outweigh those found
at a job as an employee.
Whether you work at home already, are thinking about it, or your life
circumstances now make working from home either necessary or possible, be
sure to think these benefits through as you evaluate your options.
It isn't always the financial benefits that are a primary motivator. Quick
financial rewards can and do occur, but many people are willing to take a
reduction in immediate financial rewards in order to enjoy the intangible,
but very real and powerful, benefits they will find working from home.
One of the most powerful draws to working at home is the sense of time
freedom you can gain by being able to make your own schedule. You can freely
set appointments, do your shopping, and run other errands to your own
schedule, rather than trying to fit everything in to a lunch hour or on the
way home from work when everyone else is doing the same thing.
You are able to attend your child's school plays, teacher conferences, and
other important events without feeling guilty for being away from work. You
are able to schedule leisurely lunches, stop to watch your favorite
afternoon talk show, or spend some time with friends visiting from out of
You may need to start work earlier or work later in order to do these
things - but the point is that those are all options when working for
With time freedom also comes perhaps the biggest and most important
long-term benefit of all - more opportunity to stay connected with family,
friends, and community. Staying at home with a newborn or sick child, taking
a special day with your significant other, volunteering at a church or civic
organization, pursuing your own hobbies and interests - all can contribute
to both your own emotional health and that of your loved ones.
In addition to time freedom, another big benefit of working at home is
relief from stress. Of course, any business will likely bring its own form
of stress, and working for yourself in any business is no different.
But there are certain stressful situations that can be avoided by working at
home. And the less stressed you are, the more energy and enthusiasm you
have, energy that can be spent on your family or business!
The daily commute can literally be a few feet to an office or other work
area. There's no rush to get up, get dressed, gulp down breakfast, and fight
through crowded rush hour streets.
There's no commute home at the end of the day either, and that time and
energy can be put to use working on your business, doing something for
yourself, or being with your family.
Not only can you work according to your own schedule, but you can work at a
pace that feels comfortable for you as well. When you schedule projects
either for yourself or your customers, you can realistically set an
appropriate time line that works for you.
Many office and other jobs are driven by constant, never-ending, rushed,
multi-tasking deadlines. Sometimes bosses can be overbearing because they
themselves are driven by pressure from above to complete projects quickly,
or by their own internal pressure so they will be recognized for potential
advancement. Things can be much more relaxed at home, if you plan
Even tasks as simple as being able to grocery shop when the stores are less
crowded, stand in much shorter lines at the vehicle registration department,
or set a doctor's appointment sooner because of a more flexible schedule can
all relieve life's stresses just a little bit.
Collectively, then can make a big difference in an average day for anyone
working from home.
Copyright 2004 Mal Keenan
PERMISSIONS TO REPUBLISH: This article may be republished in its entirety
free of charge, electronically or in print, provided it appears with the
included copyright and author's resource box with live website link.
Courtesy of
About The Author
Mal Keenan is editor and publisher of Home Business Tips Newsletter:
For an affordable home business you CAN believe in click below: